Saturday 18 October 2008

building a better mousetrap...?

light as expression
what interests me about industrial design? i would say: solving the problems that we face and accomplishing it in a way that melds art with science and design with technology while still maintaining a social and ecological conscience. or to put it succinctly, i like helping to create things that will (hopefully) make our lives and the world around us better.

but even with all that pragmatism, we have to remember that designers are still artists after all. not only does a designer's work seek to have practical applications, it sometimes makes a statement about how they see themselves, the world or whatever subject matter they choose to express. thus, for my timeline, i chose to look at ways in which artists have utilized and manipulated light as a means of expression. though the pieces i chose to highlight may seem to serve no "practical purpose" and may seem more reminiscent of the fine arts, i feel like they are a good reminder of a way in which we can approach design. beneath the pragmatism and consumerism that drives design, there can also exist an artistic statement that expresses an artist's ideas at a more conceptual level.

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